
(Subject to changes)

Monday 2 September
5pm WGIC2024 Welcome Function

Tuesday 3 September

Wednesday 4 September

Thursday 5 September
WGIC2024 Day 3: University of Auckland

7:45 am  :Green Infrastructure Excursion Day
8 am       : Buses Depart from OGGB, 12 Grafton Road, Auckland.
4 pm       : Buses arrive at OGGB, 12 Grafton Road, Auckland.


Join us for an immersive day of exploration and learning as we dive into Auckland’s green infrastructure projects. The day kicks off with registration at the foyer of Owen Glenn Business School (12 Grafton Road) before embarking on a series of guided tours, offering insights into water-sensitive design and green infrastructure at the Auckland Botanic Gardens, Maungawhau and Tu Tūpuna Maunga (ancestral mountains) / volcanic cones of Tāmaki Auckland, and the innovative green spaces at The Urban Jungle and a number of inner city green projects. Each stop on this carefully curated journey showcases the integration of nature into urban settings, providing practical examples and expert-led discussions on the future of sustainable urban development. Expect a dynamic mix of presentations, guided walks, and networking opportunities as we explore Auckland’s leading green infrastructure initiatives. Lunch and refreshments are included at Hotel Britomart, ensuring you stay energised throughout this packed day of discovery.









Programme  >

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Key Dates:

Submissions Open:
15 January 2024

Registration Opens:
16 February 2024

Submissions Close:
8 March 2024

Author Notifications:
5 April 2024

Revised Abstracts Due:
26 April 2024

Revised Author Notification:
3 May 2024

Presenter Registration:
6 May 2024

Early-bird Ends:
15 July 2024



Have a question about the event?

Get in touch with
Tessa Campbell,
Conference Planner


2024 Sponsors

Host City Partner

Congress Partner

Gold Sponsors

Coffee + Welcome
Function Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors

Keynote Sponsor - Eamon Nathan, and
Speaker Sponsor - Sophia Olo-Whaanga & Dr. Marise Stuart

Keynote Sponsor
Dr. Lyla June

Q&A Session with
Helen Clark Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Media Partner
